Supreme Court Goes into Recess, Starting 01 December 2021

30 Nov 2021   news  

Supreme Court Goes into Recess, Starting 01 December 2021

The Supreme Court will enter its recess period on 01 December 2020, and will remain in recess until 02 January 2020. This is in accordance with Chapter 7(a) of Act No. 22/2010 (the Judicature Act) which states that, unless otherwise provided for under majority decision of the Supreme Court Justices, the Supreme Court shall commence its sitting every year on the first working day of January each year. This sitting shall continue without break until the last working day of the last week of November, the same year. From such date until the first working day of January the following year, the Supreme Court shall be at Recess.

Therefore, no Court hearings will take place during the Recess period, unless decided otherwise by a Supreme Court Justices’ conference. The only exemptions to this being; an event of a State of Emergency being declared under Article 253 of the Constitution, or cases when the Constitution or any law at the time being in force requires a matter to be heard and disposed within a stipulated time frame.

However, during the course of the Recess, registration of new cases, and the general administration of the Court will continue without break, despite hearings and determination of suit being suspended.